वेबसाइट अंतिम बार अद्यतन की गई:

Replacement of Roofing material, Roofing
Accessories and North-Light Glass of factory
buildings in India Security Press, Nashik
Road(Phase 1) on Rate Contract Basis

Unit Name : भारत प्रतिभूति मुद्रणालय
Name of Contractor :

M/s Viyuha Infrabuild, Kutch

Value of Contract :


Item/Nature of work : Replacement of Roofing material, Roofing Accessories and North-Light Glass of factory buildings in India Security Press, Nashik Road(Phase 1) on Rate Contract Basis
Mode of Tender Enquiry : Open
Date of Publication of NIT : 10/22/2024
Type of Bidding : 2 bid
Last Date of Receipt : 11/28/2024
Nos. of Tenders Recd.: 21
Nos. of Parties Qualified after technical evalution : 9
Nos. of Parties DisQualified after technical evalution : 12
Names of Parties Qualified after technical evalution :

a. M/s Vikas Constructions Navi Mumbai
b. M/s Vaidya Industries, Nagpur
c. M/s Atal Realtech Limited Nashik
d. M/s Satish R Lal, Nashik
e. M/s Tulsi Construction, Nashik
f. M/s Viyuha Infrabuild, Kutch
g. M/s Sagar Janjale Construction, Nashik
h. M/s Mohini Buildwell Pvt Ltd, Nashik
i. M/s Agrani Realtech Pvt Ltd, Kolkata

Names of Parties DisQualified after technical evalution :

a. M/s Sandeep Phad,Nashik
b. M/s Finex Industries Pvt Ltd, Nashik
c. M/s Green Energyz, Ghaziabad
d. M/s 720 Degree Ultra Consultancy LLP, Prayagraj
e. M/s Cladding Projects Private Limited Faridabad
f. M/s Alok Bahekar, Nashik
g. M/s Ashkings Enterprises, Nashik
h. M/s Yogesh Pangarkar, Nashik
i. M/s Malani Combines, Akola
j. M/s Ashking Fabtech Pvt Ltd, Nashik
k. M/s Hirani Enterprises, Mumbai
l. M/s AVT Infrastructure Pvt Ltd, Baramati

Awarded to Lowest : Yes
Scheduled Date of completion of supplies : 03/21/2026
Contract No :


Contract Date : 03/21/2025
Actual Date of Start of Work :
Actual Date of Completion :
Award Date : 03/21/2025
Award Upload Date : 03/21/2025
Reasons for delay if any :
Remark if any :