- Profile
- Organization Structure
- History
- ISP Management
India Security Press (‘ISP, Nashik’), established in the year 1925, is one of the oldest units of SPMCIL dealing with the printing of diverse security products. It is the only organization in India that prints Passports and other travel documents for Government of India. It is engaged in the production and printing of various security products including Indian Passports, visa allied stickers, Non-Judicial Stamp Papers, Judicial Stamps, MICR Cheques, Excise Adhesive Labels, University Degree Certificates, Seed Certification Tags etc. During FY 2022-23, ISP printed 11.45 million passport booklets and 165.086 million pieces of NJSP & allied stamps.
ISP Nashik stocks printed security products, and distributes them to various organizations in accordance with the indents received. ISP Nashik supplies to various State Governments, Union Territories and Central Government departments including Department of Posts, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Defence, Reserve Bank of India, and also to State Municipal corporations, State Election Commissions.
Organization Structure

India Security Press, Nasik Road is a premier organization under the Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Ltd., wholly owned by the Govt. of India. The organization is engaged in printing and supplying a variety of security related products such as Non-judicial stamp papers, Judicial Stamp papers, Revenue stamps, court-fee stamps, Passport Books, Postal Stamps, Visa, University Certificates, Adhesive excise duty Stamp and other Articles etc. The General Manager is the Chief Executive Officer, who is also the ex-officio Controller of Stamps.
Prior to 1855, Postal Stamps and other security document were printed at Her Majesty’s Mint, Calcutta by the Survey of India Organization. Between 1862 and 1924, the job was entrusted to M/s Thomas De-La-Rue & Co. Ltd., London who was awarded a Contract for printing Indian Court Fee Fiscal and Postal Stamps and Stationery.
The India Security Press, Nasik Road, earlier known as “Security Printing India” up to 1947, was established in 1924 based on a project Report prepared by Lt. Col. Sir George H. Willis, Master of Mint, Mumbai and Mr. D. Ascoli, ICS, controller of Printing Stamps. Actual printing work started in the factory in the year 1925.
Attached to the India Security Press is the Central Stamps Depot, which is primarily responsible for stocking and distributing Stamps and other security, related articles based on the Indents raised by various customers. Actual formation of Central Stamp Depot took place in October 1983. Prior to 1983 CSD was known as (CSS) Central Stamp Store.
1923 : Project report submitted
1924 : Report approved and foundation stone laid
1925 : Printing of Postal Stationery and Stamps started
1928 : Printing of Currency Notes started
- During 1925-26, the Government decided to terminate the contract with the Bank of England for the printing of currency notes. This was originally to expire in June 1929.
- The Security Press at Nasik undertook first the printing of 5 Rupees notes of the same new pattern that the Bank of England was printing since 1925. They were released from Kanpur circle on October 9, 1928.
- The notes of Rupees 10 of an entirely new pattern, different from those printed in England were printed at Nasik and issued in July 1930. At the same time, the notes of Rupees 50 of an entirely new pattern were also issued for the first time.
1929 : onwards : Various other security products addaed
1962 : Rs. 1/- Printing started at New location
1980 : Printing of all Currency Notes shifted to New location
1989 : Low security products discontinued for meeting the requirement of High security products
2003 : ISP is one of the largest Security printing establishment in the World.
- India International Ordinary Passport, First isuue 1953
- Official & Diplomatic Passport, First isuue 1953
- Passport booklet printed for travel between India & Pakistan in : First Issue 1968
- India Sri Lanka Passport : First Issue 1973
- India International Jumbo Passport(60 pages) : First Issue 1995
- Machine Readable India International Ordinary Passport : First Issue 1995
- Person of Indian Origin(PIO) : First Issue 2002
- Machine Readable India International Jumbo Passport : First Issue 2006
ISP Management

Mr. Rajesh Bansal
Chief General Manager

Mr. Diganta Kumar Deka
Additional General Manager (Material)

Mr. Garjeet Singh
Joint General Manager (Technical Control)

Mr. Mahesh Kumar
Joint General Manager (Finance)

Mr. Deepak Kumar Verma
Joint General Manager (Tech. Oper.)

Mr. Nilesh Ramesh Jadhav
Joint General Manager (TO)

Mr. Mangesh Kasvekar
Joint General Manager (TO)

Mr. Arpit Dhawan
Manager (HR)

Mr. Benkatesh Kumar
General Manager